V 92. letu starosti je v nedeljo na svojem domu v Kentu preminil britanski igralec in komik Brian Murphy.
Bil je eden najbolj prepoznavnih obrazov britanske televizije iz 70. let, navaja Metropolitan.
Širši javnosti je bil znan po svojih vlogah v legendarnih britanskih komedijah Man About the House in George and Mildred.
Such sad news about Brian Murphy. He was a lovely man who I was lucky to meet several times at film & signing events, the last being back in June 2024. We have this photo up in our hallway. Thanks for the laughs Brian. Our thoughts are with Linda & their family. RIP Brian xx pic.twitter.com/PM3xBKnhpJ
— Short_James (The Watcher) (@JamesTheWatcher) February 4, 2025